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Programmierung einfacher Spiele


Kopiere den Quellcode in Thonny und führe ihn aus. Bearbeite folgende Arbeitsaufträge:

  1. Finde heraus, was du tun musst, um das Spiel zu spielen.
  2. Schau dir den Quellcode an und vollziehe nach, wie das Programm abläuft.
  3. Verändere das Programm nach deinen Vorstellungen.
# Quelle:
import random
# library that we use in order to choose
# random words from a list of words

name = input("What is your name? ")

# Here the user is asked to enter the name first

print("Good Luck ! ", name)

words = ['rainbow', 'computer', 'science', 'programming',
		'python', 'mathematics', 'player', 'condition',
		'reverse', 'water', 'board', 'geeks']

# Function will choose one random
# word from this list of words
word = random.choice(words)

print("Guess the characters")

guesses = ''

# any number of turns can be used here
turns = 12

while turns > 0:

	# counts the number of times a user fails
	failed = 0

	# all characters from the input
	# word taking one at a time.
	for char in word:

		# comparing that character with
		# the character in guesses
		if char in guesses:
			print(char, end=" ")


			# for every failure 1 will be
			# incremented in failure
			failed += 1

	if failed == 0:
		# user will win the game if failure is 0
		# and 'You Win' will be given as output
		print("You Win")

		# this print the correct word
		print("The word is: ", word)

	# if user has input the wrong alphabet then
	# it will ask user to enter another alphabet
	guess = input("guess a character:")

	# every input character will be stored in guesses
	guesses += guess

	# check input with the character in word
	if guess not in word:

		turns -= 1

		# if the character doesn’t match the word
		# then “Wrong” will be given as output

		# this will print the number of
		# turns left for the user
		print("You have", + turns, 'more guesses')

		if turns == 0:
			print("You Loose")