Programmierung einfacher Spiele
Kopiere den Quellcode in Thonny und führe ihn aus. Bearbeite folgende Arbeitsaufträge:
- Finde heraus, was du tun musst, um das Spiel zu spielen.
- Schau dir den Quellcode an und vollziehe nach, wie das Programm abläuft.
- Verändere das Programm nach deinen Vorstellungen.
# Quelle:
import random
# library that we use in order to choose
# random words from a list of words
name = input("What is your name? ")
# Here the user is asked to enter the name first
print("Good Luck ! ", name)
words = ['rainbow', 'computer', 'science', 'programming',
'python', 'mathematics', 'player', 'condition',
'reverse', 'water', 'board', 'geeks']
# Function will choose one random
# word from this list of words
word = random.choice(words)
print("Guess the characters")
guesses = ''
# any number of turns can be used here
turns = 12
while turns > 0:
# counts the number of times a user fails
failed = 0
# all characters from the input
# word taking one at a time.
for char in word:
# comparing that character with
# the character in guesses
if char in guesses:
print(char, end=" ")
# for every failure 1 will be
# incremented in failure
failed += 1
if failed == 0:
# user will win the game if failure is 0
# and 'You Win' will be given as output
print("You Win")
# this print the correct word
print("The word is: ", word)
# if user has input the wrong alphabet then
# it will ask user to enter another alphabet
guess = input("guess a character:")
# every input character will be stored in guesses
guesses += guess
# check input with the character in word
if guess not in word:
turns -= 1
# if the character doesn’t match the word
# then “Wrong” will be given as output
# this will print the number of
# turns left for the user
print("You have", + turns, 'more guesses')
if turns == 0:
print("You Loose")
Wortliste in eigener Datei
# definiere die Datei, die du verwenden möchtest.
file = "wordlist.txt"
with open(file, "r") as f: # Öffne die Datei im Nur-Lesen-Modus
wordlist = # Teile die Datei zeilenweise.
Kopiere den Quellcode in Thonny und führe ihn aus. Bearbeite folgende Arbeitsaufträge:
- Finde heraus, was du tun musst, um das Spiel zu spielen.
- Schau dir den Quellcode an und vollziehe nach, wie das Programm abläuft.
- Verändere das Programm nach deinen Vorstellungen.
# Quelle:
import random
# the .randrange() function generates a
# random number within the specified range.
num = random.randrange(1000, 10000)
n = int(input("Guess the 4 digit number:"))
# condition to test equality of the
# guess made. Program terminates if true.
if (n == num):
print("Great! You guessed the number in just 1 try! You're a Mastermind!")
# ctr variable initialized. It will keep count of
# the number of tries the Player takes to guess the number.
ctr = 0
# while loop repeats as long as the
# Player fails to guess the number correctly.
while (n != num):
# variable increments every time the loop
# is executed, giving an idea of how many
# guesses were made.
ctr += 1
count = 0
# explicit type conversion of an integer to
# a string in order to ease extraction of digits
n = str(n)
# explicit type conversion of a string to an integer
num = str(num)
# correct[] list stores digits which are correct
correct = ['X']*4
# for loop runs 4 times since the number has 4 digits.
for i in range(0, 4):
# checking for equality of digits
if (n[i] == num[i]):
# number of digits guessed correctly increments
count += 1
# hence, the digit is stored in correct[].
correct[i] = n[i]
# when not all the digits are guessed correctly.
if (count < 4) and (count != 0): #- this condition is not needed as we are starting with the condition, n!=num, which is, count<4
print("Not quite the number. But you did get ",
count, " digit(s) correct!")
# second code is not supposed to print the guessed numbers, from the sample output, here I get we are not recording the position of the guess,but count. But as per the explanation, the code should not print the guessed numbers, rather give their count.
# print("Also these numbers in your input were correct.")
# for k in correct:
# print(k, end=' ')
n = int(input("Enter your next choice of numbers: "))
# when none of the digits are guessed correctly.
elif (count == 0):
print("None of the numbers in your input match.")
n = int(input("Enter your next choice of numbers: "))
# condition for equality.
if n == num:
# ctr must be incremented when the n==num gets executed as we have the other incrmentation in the n!=num condition
print("You've become a Mastermind!")
print("It took you only", ctr, "tries.")
Die Siegerehrung kann in jedes Spiel eingebaut werden. Der Import muss natürlich an den Anfang der Datei.
import time
for x in range(0,3):
for i in range(width,0,-1):
out = ""
for j in range(width,i,-1):
out += " "
out += "You win"
for i in range(0,width):
out = ""
for j in range(i,width):
out += " "
out += "You win"